
Today we are speaking of XXXTentacion, dead rapper considered as one of the most talented rappers of the last decade, murdered on the 18th October 2018.



Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy was born on January 23rd 1998, in Plantation, Florida, from Jamaican parents.

Since he was 6, the difficult environment where he grew forced Onfroy to a violent behavior, in fact, at the age of 6 Onfroy tried to stab a man who was beating his mother.

After this episode Onfroy was put in a youth program and forced to live with his grandmother also due to his mother’s economic problems.

His aunt understood Onfroy’s talent and pushed him to go to the school’s and church’s chore.

He was expelled from many schools, often for fights and he decided to stop his studies during the tenth grade which corresponds to the second year of the Italian high school.

Onfroy describes the himself of that period as a misfit, insecure and depressed boy.

In February 2018, when he was already famous in music world as XXXTentacion, Onfroy declared that he had the intention to join a community college and to take the GED.

Onfroy was arrested many times, the first of which in 2014 for gun possession, then in 2016 for robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and home invasion and then he  was arrested again for false imprisonment, witness tampering and aggravated battery of a pregnant victim, Ayala: one of his girlfriends.

For all these charges, Onfroy spent a few months in prison, a year under house arrest and paid a lot of money in bail before being declared innocent.

Onfroy has written also some songs on Ayala, in particular in the album 17; in these songs Tentacion declared that his depression and mental instability had been caused by the false love that Ayala felt for him and by the false charges she made to the singer.

Jahseh’s Death

On the 18th October 2018, while he was leaving on his machine a motorcycle shop, Onfroy was stopped by two armed men who wanted to rob Onfroy’s bag containing 50000$.

Onfroy tried to react and in return he was shot multiple times and finally died.

The two murderers were arrested a few days later with other two accomplices and charged with first degree murder without premeditation .

However, there are some people who think that Onfroy is still alive or that his murder was premeditate.

Personally I think that  X really died but there is an hypothesis that I find interesting even if I don’t believe in it; this theory says that Onfroy agreed with the State and set up his death to avoid a real death danger.

In 2017 X made a musical video for his song “Look at me”; in this video there is a frame with a young white boy hanged; this cost X a lot of insults under the video.

What almost no one noticed and complained for is the frame in which  three black men, including X, were hanged at the beginning of the video.

The message Onfroy wanted to give is against racism; he wanted to show how nowadays people are so accustomed to see scenes such the one of the black people hanged that they don’t find them strange; on the contrary people find strange to see a white kid hanged.

In general the video can be divided into three parts: the first represents the X of the first years of his career so he sings one of his most vulgar and popular songs.

Then there is a part in which song changes into “Riot” , another X’s song in which he speaks about racism and violence, often made by the police against black people and in which he partially says to rebel against whites.

In Riot X also criticized the human nature which wants blood even if nobody wants to say that.

Then there’s a third spoken part in which X says he wants to educate new generation and he denunces the armed revolts against white, glorifying education and civilisation.

Watching this video it’s clear Jahseh’s maturation and his awareness of his important role in influencing a lot of people in good and bad.

XXXTentacion- Look at me (official video)

After this musical video, among the numerous negative comments, X received a video shot by the Ku Klux Klan, an American white supremacist hate group, in which he was threated of death for the scene of the white boy and for his anti-racial message.

Coming back to his death, someone supposes that X set up his death with the blessing of the State to flee from these and other threats he received from the KKK.

This theory is supported by the video of his death, the one also used during the process, in which Onfroy, officially dead for a wound at his neck, is showed without blood and this is strange if the wound is on the neck.

Other people sustain that Onfroy knew he was going to die; this basing on some of his interviews in which he says that there were people who hated him and who wanted to ruin his life and in which he spoke giving the impression he would have died young.

Also his decision to write his will is strange.

I don’t’ know whether to believe or not in this theory; it might be that he was scared to die of drugs overdose and it can also be that the fear of  death danger was increased by drugs effects.

But It can surely be that someone coming from his black past wanted to kill him.

Interview to a friend

What do you think of X’s songs?

I think that X’s artistic production is cool and that his lyrics are among the most emotive I’ve listened recently.

What’s your X’s favourite song ?

My favuorite X’s song is “The remedy for a broken art (why am I so in love?)”

Do you think X is still alive or, if you think he is dead, do you think his murder was premeditated?

I think that those who think X is still alive do that to relieve their pain because it’s impossible.

I think that the robbery done to X was premeditated but that the murderers hadn’t premeditated to kill Onfroy

Analysis of XXXTentacion’s quotes and lyrics

I can’t seem to find someone’s shoulder

Who will I rely on when it’s over?

XXXTentacion from ALONE PART 3

In this song X talks of his pain after the troubles with Ayala, in particular in these two verses he says he can’t find someone’s shoulder which means that he can’t share his pain with nobody.

The reason is the disappointment he had from Ayala and as a result his difficulty in trusting after that event in anybody else.

the second verse probably means that he considers many of his friends and fans as opportunists who use his success and his money.

“Only time I feel pain, when I’m feelin’ love.”

XXXTentacion from Everybody dies in their nightmares

It’s unknown if this verse is referred to Ayala or to Jocelyne Flores, previously Jahseh’s girlfriend and good friend of him, who committed suicide increasing Jahseh’s depressive problems (X wrote a song for Jocelyn Flores named as the girl).

However what’s sure is that Jahseh didn’t want to be in love another time so he wouldn’t suffer when the story would end; this is the reason why he changed many girlfriends being with each one for a very short time.

There’ s a song named “Numb” and Jahseh also tatooed the word numb, this because the only thing Jahseh wanted was to end his pain and so he wished to become numb; this is the reason why he didn’t want to be in love again because he wasn’t interested in being happy but in not being pained.


“It’s unfortunate because it’s like, yo, when people die, that’s when we like ’em, you know? ‘Cause your remorse kinda makes you check ’em out.”

XXXTentacion from falling down

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